Monday, April 22, 2013

4 Month Update

No update for so long! I just forgot. No excuses. Anyway I wanted to give an update on my fitness journey. I started this blog around the new year so I'll consider this my 4 month update. I see myself having gone through 3 stages so far this year:

Late December-January: Insanity 6x/week and watchful eating
February: Insanity 3-4x/week and calorie restriction to 1100 cal
March-April: Insanity 1-2x/week and transitioning to raw veganism

Which stage did I lose the most weight in? March-April, no contest. I lost of couple of pounds in January and February, but it was most fluctuating due to water weight. I remember telling people who asked me how Insanity is going that I hadn't lost any weight, but my stamina was good and I could run up and down flights of stairs without stopping midway.

At some point, I started watching YouTube videos of raw vegans who were promoting their lifestyle. I was really intrigued, because I was calorie restricting and it was really hard for me. I was constantly thinking about food and using those iPhone apps, which did really help me realize what bad foods I was eating. Despite how helpful they were, I was getting bogged down in the details and for me, thinking about my calories obsessively wasn't good for my mental health. I know this works for a lot of people, though, so I'm not saying it's a bad idea and as I said, it did help me in the beginning.

I saw that raw vegans can eat a lot of food: 2000-3000 calories for people with smaller frames, including women. One of the videos that really shocked me was this one. That was double what I was eating! At that point, I didn't care if I was only allowed to eat salad, I wanted to eat more. But I've been transitioning for about a month now and of course, there's a lot more you can eat besides kale.

It's been really delicious to eat clean, with fruits and veggies making up about half of my diet. The other half is oatmeal, yogurt, granola, boiled dumplings that my dad brings me, and eating out. When I eat out I just eat whatever I'm in the mood for, which is sometimes a salad but sometimes a burger. I don't try to restrict these days, I just try to eat as much fresh raw food as possible, and in the end there's not as much room for cooked meat, dairy, and wheat.

Although my cravings for cooked food haven't gone away, I notice now that when I eat poorly I don't feel great. Yesterday I had an order of fries from one of my favorite restaurants and felt sick afterwards, when before that kind of greasy meal would not have affected my body.

So how much weight have I lost overall? So far, 10 pounds. Going to keep going.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I have a question about your blog, could you please email me? Thanks!!

